Rely on the Lord’s Faith in Difficult Times 單單依靠主的信心 神拯救我們脫離危險

Rely on the Lord’s Faith in Difficult Times 單單依靠主的信心 神拯救我們脫離危險

活潑的生命讀經進度 – 今日閱讀經文: 《 以斯拉記8 : 21 – 36 》


Rely on the Lord’s Faith in Difficult Times

單單依靠主的信心 神拯救我們脫離危險

Take home message:

God is the Creator of all mankind, the universe, and everything amazing. More importantly, He loves us.


This passage reminds us that in doing God’s work or making all decisions, we continuously need to rely on, seek peace and faith from God in happy or difficult times. Most importantly, whatever we do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord, give thanks, and glorify God in everything we do. Fix our eyes on Him and He will lift the heavy burden.